The Chamber of Commerce carries out different promotional initiatives in international markets implemented through activities such as the participation in foreign trade shows, tourism and agri-food promotional projects, dedicated workshops, educational tours, etc. We provide our own experience and a wide network of representatives in different countries around the world to offer a vast range of personalised services which support business internationalisation and promote business creation: business missions abroad, B2B meetings, partner searches, guidance, country documentation, market analysis, technical seminars, etc.
Bergamo Chamber of Commerce is one of the operational points of a network of the Lombardy internationalisation agencies. We support business activities in their development into global markets by supplying, directly or through accredited professionals, an information service and advice on all the issues linked to international trade: customs regulations, taxation, contracts, transportation, payments, databases, international marketing, etc. We also offer business information on EU issues, sharing our understanding of the opportunities offered by EU institutions to business activities, in particular to SMEs, for instance through the Infoexport website.
The service is coordinated by the Lombardy Union of Chambers of Commerce, working under the aegis of the Lombardy Region and the Ministry of Economic Development.