
The province of Bergamo is located in the heart of Lombardy, the most dynamic and richest region in Italy. It is also among the areas with the strongest economic development in the entire European Union. Its central position benefits communication, transportation and contacts with market, contributing to the high prestige of the whole province.

The value added generated in Bergamo (over 37 billion euros in 2022) is 33,000 euros per head, making Bergamo the 19th richest province in Italy; in Lombardy, Bergamo is 3rd after Milan and Brescia province. Industry contributes 41% to the value added produced (of which construction 9%), commerce and services 57%, and agriculture 1%.

There are a great many businesses across all sectors – from manufacturing to advanced services – with a strong group of SMEs as well as medium-sized and large organisations employing significant numbers of people.